*   LinWin                  
  4/20/20   Install_Fedora                  
  Home   Install Host IP address Version
  Install / Fedora   foxconn F23 Desktop
  cronjobs   Release notes claim minimum memory of 256 MB.  We were unable to intall on old DARC pc with 256 MB.   ra68 F27 Server
  Info (inxi)   With 512 MB memory, were able to install with no problems.  
  dnf   Hard drive options: Use Entire Drive  
  DNS     Use Free Space  
  firewalld     Use Linux Partitions  
  LVM2   After installation -  check the Automountfs with a flash drive.          
  Wireless   Info
  Services   cat /proc/version  
  Sys Jour   systemctl -a  
      Search:   Term   (to get a term window)  
      Initial Settings
      1 Add Common Users This was done during installtion.
      2 Firewall & SELinux
      Disable SELINUX                  
      Cur: Fed 27 getenforce   "SELinux is enabled"    
       vi  /etc/selinux/config (as root)  SELINUX=disabled
      getenforce  or   /usr/bin/getenforce "SELinux is disabled"
      Prev: Fed 17 vi  /etc/sysconfig/selinux (as root)   SELINUX=disabled
      Note: Fedora 18 introduced firewalld as a replacement for the previous iptables service
      Although firewalld is a replacement for the firewall management provided by iptables service,
         it still uses the iptables command for dynamic communication with the kernel packet filter (netfilter).
      So it is only the iptables service that is replaced, not the iptables command.
      Cur: Fed 27 systemctl status firewalld                      
      systemctl start firewalld.service Start the firewall   1
      systemctl enable firewalld.service Enable firewall startup on boot-up   2
      firewall-cmd --get-default-zone   ip.67 ip.68 ip.69   3
      firewall-cmd --get-active-zone vnc 5900 5900 5900   4
      firewall-cmd --permanent  --add-port=5900/tcp ftp 21150   default -----> 5
      firewall-cmd --permanent   --add-port=8067/tcp http 8067 8068 8069   6
      firewall-cmd --permanent  --add-service=samba ssh 8267 8268 8269   7
      firewall-cmd --reload copy permanent config to running config   8
      firewall-cmd --permanent --list-all verify   9
      systemctl status firewalld   verify                 10
      Prev: Fed 23 systemctl status firewalld                    
      systemctl start firewalld.service       Start the firewall        
      systemctl enable firewalld.service       Enable firewall startup on boot-up    
      firewall-cmd --get-default-zone           ip.67 ip.68 ip.69    
      firewall-cmd --get-active-zone         vnc 5900 5900 5900    
      firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=FedoraServer --add-port=5900/tcp ftp     21150    
      firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=FedoraServer --add-port=8067/tcp http 8067 8068 8069    
      firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=FedoraServer --add-service=samba ssh 8267 8268 8269    
      firewall-cmd --reload         copy permanent config to running config  
      firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=FedoraServer --list-all     verify          
      systemctl status firewalld         verify          
      3 Networking This can be done during installtion.  
      Cur: Fed 27 hostnamectl   set-hostname         can use abbreviations, ie
      nmcli   device  
      nmcli  connection  mod  enp0s8  ipv4.addresses nmcli  c  mod  enp0s8  ipv4.addresses
      nmcli  connection  mod  enp0s8  ipv4.gateway   nmcli  c  mod  enp0s8  ipv4.gateway
      nmcli  connection  mod  enp0s8  ipv4.dns  
      nmcli  connection  mod  enp0s8  ipv4.method    manual   nmcli  c  down  enp0s8
      nmcli  connection  down  enp0s8 ;  nmcli  connection  up  enp0s8  nmcli  c  up    enp0s8 
      nmcli  device  show  enp0s8  
      ip  addr  show          
      Prev: Fed 23 # hostnamectl set-hostname myPCname       set hostname              
      # nmcli d            display devices   find your interface's "device name"  
      # nmcli c modify enp3s4 ipv4.addresses   set IPv4 address              
      # nmcli c modify enp3s4 ipv4.gateway     set default gateway              
      # nmcli c modify enp3s4 ipv4.dns       set DNS                
      # nmcli c modify enp3s4 ipv4.method  manual     set manual for static setting (it's "auto" for DHCP)      
      # nmcli c down enp3s4; nmcli c up enp3s4       restart the interface and reload the settings   (or reboot if shelled in)
      # nmcli d show enp3s4         show settings              
      # ip addr show           show status                
      # ifconfig -a           show status                
      Prev: Fed 17 Disable NetworkManager     service NetworkManager stop                
        and prevent it from loading at each boot.   chkconfig NetworkManager off                
      Setup the "Network Neighborhood"   network neighborhood                
      Start Network Service     chkconfig network on                
       and enable it on each boot.     service network start                
              systemctl status network.service    ( enable, disable, start, stop, restart, status )
      to verify: reboot & then -->     # ifconfig -a #  dmesg | grep eth0                
      Prev: Fed ?? Disable NetworkManager     /etc/init.d/NetworkManager stop                
        and prevent it from loading at each boot.   /sbin/chkconfig  --level 345  NetworkManager off     Note:  that's 2 dashes in front of "level"
      Setup the "Network Neighborhood"   network neighborhood                  
      Start Network Service     /etc/init.d/network start  (restart)     "Bringing up loopback "     [ ok ]
       and enable it on each boot.     /sbin/chkconfig  --level 345  network on   "Bringing up eth0 "     [ ok ]
      to verify: reboot & then -->     # ifconfig -a #  dmesg | grep eth0                  
    1 4 SSH  (scp) Cur: Fed 27 /etc/ssh/sshd_config   PermitRootLogin no  
    2   port  8267  
    3 systemctl restart sshd  
    4       open up port xxxx in the firewall
    6 Setup passwordless SSH
    8 1 $ ssh-keygen -t rsa Create the RSA Key Pair
    9   2 $ Enter file in which to save the key (/home/mdh/.ssh/id_rsa): <enter>  (accept default location) Store the Keys and Passphrase
    10 $ Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): <enter>  (don't add a passphrase)
    11   3 $ ssh-copy-id  -p 8269 mdh@  (copy the public key to the remote host) Copy the Public Key
    13 ssh -p 8269 [email protected]       
    15   Setup passwordless login in Putty
    18 Prev: Fed 17 /etc/ssh/sshd_config   PermitRootLogin no  
    19       port  8267      
    20 systemctl restart sshd.service          
    21       open up port xxxx in the firewall
      5 Services
      6 system update (as root)
      Cur: Fed 27 dnf -y upgrade  
      Prev: Fed 23 dnf update or dnf clean all
      dnf check-update    
      7 Vim Settings
      8 Sudo Settings
      9 Use Cockpit Admin Console
      10 NTP Server
      11 Apache Cur: Fed 27 /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf   httpd.conf file     Line
      systemctl start httpd   Listen 8068 42
      systemctl status httpd   Alias's > etc, logs, FreeAgent, TFLASH 232
      systemctl enable httpd   AddDefaultCharset  UTF-8   330 Alias's  
      Alias  /FreeAgent/   "/mnt/FreeAgent/"   alias's (previous)       /var/log/
      <Directory "/mnt/FreeAgent/">   <Directory /logs/   "/var/log/"   /mnt/FreeAgent/
          Options Indexes MultiViews FollowSymLinks     Options Indexes MuliViews FollowSymLinks /mnt/TFLASH/
          AllowOverride None       AllowOverride None  
          Require all granted         Order allow,deny    
      </Directory>           Allow from all    
      12 VSFtpd Cur: Fed 27 /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf   anonymous_enable=NO filezilla setup
      systemctl status vsftpd.service connect_from_port_20=NO
      systemctl start vsftpd.service   xferlog_file=/var/log/vsftpd.log
      systemctl enable vsftpd.service
      Prev: Fed 23 /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf   anonymous_enable=NO
      systemctl status vsftpd.service connect_from_port_20=NO
      systemctl start vsftpd.service   xferlog_file=/var/log/vsftpd.log
      systemctl enable vsftpd.service listen_port=21150      
      pasv_enable=YES     no
      pasv_promiscuous=NO   longer
      port_enable=NO     needed
      13 SAMBA Cur: Fed 27 smbpasswd  -a  mdh ( new samba user )              
        New SMB password:  mdh Shares Network-Related Options
        Retype new SMB password:   mdh www workgroup = hvezda
        FreeAgent netbios name = ra68
      /etc/samba/ cp smb.conf  smb.conf-org apache-logs  
        cp smb.conf.example  smb.conf home  
        vi  smb.conf    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> scripts  
      systemctl restart smb  
      systemctl restart nmb                  
      Prev: Fed 23 smbpasswd  -a  mdh   samba users Shares   Network-Related Options
      /etc/samba/smb.conf   samba shares www   workgroup = hvezda
      systemctl restart smb.service       FreeAgent   netbios name = lka67
      systemctl restart nmb.service       apache-logs        
      14 File Ownership / Permissions     orig new      
      Cur: Fed 27 /var/log/ httpd 700 755 cron job needed  
        samba 700 755   cd /var/log
      **  ToDo >   create a  ---   secure 600 644   chmod 755 httpd
      logpermissions.bash   messages 600 644  
        hawkey 600 644  
        maillog 600 644  
        dnf.log 600 644 cron job needed  
        fail2ban.log 600 644 cron job needed  
      ** /var/www/ html chown -R  mdh:mdh  /var/www/html  
        html chmod -R 755  /var/www/html    
      15 copy webs: Cur: Fed 23 (from)  www ------->  (to) www   note:  be sure you have changed ownership of  /var/www/  before executing this step.        
      scp  -rp  -P 8269   [email protected]:/var/www/html/    /var/www/ from server(69) --->  to server(xx) ("on xx") successful, added new key   (could pull from remote host)
      scp  -rp  -P 8268   [email protected]:/var/www/html/    /var/www/ from server(68) --->  to server(xx) ("on xx") successful, added new key   (could pull from remote host)
      scp  -rp  -P 8267    /var/www/html/*    [email protected]:/var/www/html/ from server(xx)  ("on xx")  --->  to server(67)   failed due to "strict checking"   (could not push to a remote host)
        (successful, after I deleted the contents of .68's known_hosts)
      scp  -rp  -P 8268    /var/www/html/*    [email protected]:/var/www/html/ from server(xx)  ("on xx") --->  to server(68)   failed due to "strict checking"   (could not push to a remote host)
      scp        -P 8268     testfile               [email protected]:/home/mdh/ (successful)
      note:  -P (the port to connect to, on the remote Host)
      16 Misc stuff   Cur: Fed 23 (from) prev  -----> (to) cur                  
      Cron Jobs   /home/scripts/*    --->     /home/scripts copy scripts to new server  
      Drive Mappings:  Win pc's    
        crontab  -e            ---->     crontab  -e copy and paste cron jobs to new server
        Drive Mappings:  [ apache-logs (L:) ,  www (w:) ,  and FreeAgent (Z:) ] on Win pc's  
      17 Email 1 Install sSMTP                      
      capability to send email 2 Install mailx  
      (see Unix_Mail.xlsm) 3 setup 3 config files >>> /etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf /etc/ssmtp/revaliases  /root/.mailrc  
        [email protected] set sendmail="/usr/sbin/ssmtp" # sSMTP aliases  root:[email protected]  
        AuthUser=rvhvezda mdh:[email protected]  
        # Debug=YES  
      4 test >>>>>> echo `date` | mail -v -s "ssmtp test"   [email protected]  
      18 Freezer pyserial might have to be installed  >> # python3 -m pip install pyserial
      ( see Programming_Python.xlsm )    
      python3  /home/scripts/  
    20 Fail2ban Cur: Fed 23            
    dnf install fail2ban ipset 
    dnf install postfix whois fail2ban-sendmail  
    dnf install fail2ban-firewalld  
    dnf install fail2ban-systemd  
    dnf install fail2ban-server  
    /etc/fail2ban/jail.conf do not edit this file
    /etc/fail2ban/jail.d/ 01-mdh.conf create and use this file
    systemctl enable fail2ban.service to make it auto start
    XX mount Cur: Fed 23                                  
    ls -l  /dev/disk/by-uuid /etc/fstab  (make a bak copy of this file, then edit the new file)  
      by-id put on the bottom of the file  
      by-path UUID=8b745b70-7522-4b69-b94e-c143a9b6d9d2    /mnt/FreeAgent    ext4    defaults     0   2  
      and then reboot  
    Prev: Fed 17                                  
      Mounting a Flash drive  
    ls -l  /dev/disk/by-label by-id Automount    umount   /dev/sde1  
      by-path /run/media/mdh/FreeAgent mkdir /mnt/TFLASH   
      by-uuid mount -t ntfs-3g,uid=mdh,gid=mdh   /dev/sde1   /mnt/TFLASH  
      FreeAgent -->  ../../sdd1 Mounting an ext4 drive Mounting a NTFS drive  
      TFLASH -->   ../../sde1 umount /dev/sdb1 umount  /dev/sdd1  
      mount   /dev/sdb1  /mnt/FreeAgent mkdir /mnt/FreeAgent  
      mount -t ntfs-3g  /dev/sdd1  /mnt/FreeAgent  
    XX Desktop Sharing Cur: Fed 23                              
    Prev: Fed 17 Activities > Applications > Internet > Desktop Sharing     use TightVNC client on Windows machines to access.    
    XX Sound Cur: Fed 23 System > Preferences > Sound ---------------> unmute        
    (optional)   enable windows and button sounds    
    XX at  
    Work Prev: Fed 17                            
    proxy     System > Preferences > Network Proxy  -------------------- ignored hosts localhost  
    Firefox      Edit > Preferences > Advanced >  Network: settings ----------- no proxy for  
    /etc/yum.conf     proxy=         172.    