*   Linux    
  12/3/23   info    
  Install / Fedora inxi is a set of scripts that will detect a whole lot of information about the hardware, including vendor details, device driver configuration etc. 
  cronjobs dnf install inxi install inxi
  Info (inxi)
  Desktops inxi -c5 Get a one line snapshot in color "5" Colors 0-32 are available.
  dnf inxi -c5 -b basic info (System, Machine, CPU, Graphics, Network, Drives, Info )
  DNS inxi -c5 -p Print out the information about hard drive partitions. It will print out all the mounted partitions along with their mount points, and space usage.
  firewalld inxi -c5 -po To print out the unmounted partitions along with the mounted ones, use the o option with p
  LVM inxi -c5 -D Print the hard drive details like make, model and size with D option
  LVM2 inxi -c5 -d Print out full list of drives, including all storage and optical drives along with their specifications.
  N.Neighbor'd inxi -c5 -n The n option simply prints out the details about the network interface along with the configuration details.
  NM inxi -c5 -ni Use the i option along with n to get ip address details (both wan and lan)
  Wireless inxi -c5 -AG Show Audio/sound card and graphics card information The A option is for audio information and G is for graphics card information
  Services inxi -c5 -r Show distro specific repository data
  Sys Jour inxi -c5 -F The F option give a more detailed overview of the system compared to the b (basic) option. But it does not include everything that inxi is capable of reporting.
    inxi -c5 -Fi   Use the i option to print the ip address information  
    inxi -c5 -A -x The x option can be used with individual options to print extended or extra information about that particular hardware or profile
    To get extra information about any subset of hardware profile use the x option like above.
    To get more extra information use -xx.
    To get even more extra information use -xxx.
    inxi can't give you anything more beyond that.
    Other commands to check cpu info on Linux
    cat /proc/cpuinfo The /proc/cpuinfo file contains details about individual cpu cores. Output its contents with less or cat.
    less /proc/cpuinfo
    lscpu lscpu is a small and quick command that does not need any options.  It would simply print the cpu hardware details in a user-friendly format.
    dmidecode The dmidecode command displays some information about the cpu, which includes the socket type, vendor name and various flags.
    Commands to check the memory on Linux
    free -m
    cat /proc/meminfo
    vmstat -s
    dmidecode -t 17 To find out hardware information about the installed RAM.
    Benchmarking utilities <<<<< My Geekbench Profile 
    Sysbench Dell Inc. PowerEdge T30 12100537
    dnf install sysbench Biostar Tforce 550 SE 12100398
    sysbench --test=cpu help for Help
    sysbench --test=cpu  run CPU
    sysbench --test=memory  run memory
    sysbench --test=fileinfo  --file-test-mode=seqwr   run file I/O
    GeekBench Login ( [email protected]   @00 )
    download unpack the tarball wherever is convenient
    $ ./geekbench4 Open a terminal in the GeekBench directory that you just unpacked, and run the binary to start your test.