*   LinWin  
  4/20/20   dnf  
  Home DNF aims at improving the bottlenecks of YUM viz., Performance, Memory Usages, Dependency Resolution, Speed and lots of other factors.
  Install / Fedora DNF does Package Management using RPM, libsolv and hawkey library.
  Info (inxi) dnf [options] <command> [<argument>] Usages Synopsis.
  dnf dnf --version Check the version of DNF installed on your System.
  DNS dnf repolist The option ‘repolist‘ with dnf command, will display all enabled repositories under your system.
  firewalld dnf repolist all The option ‘repolist all‘ will print all the enabled/disabled repositories under your system.
  LVM dnf list (I had >40K lines) The command “dnf list” will list all the available packages from all the repositories and installed packages on your Linux system.
  LVM2 dnf list installed list only the installed packages
  N.Neighbor'd dnf list available the “list available” option, will list all the packages available to be installed from all the enabled repositories.
  NM dnf search nano search for the package that matches the word or string (ie  nano )
  Wireless dnf provides /bin/bash The dnf option “provides” find the name of the package that provides specific file/sub-package.
  Services For example, if you would like to find what provides ‘/bin/bash‘ on your system.
  Sys Jour dnf info <name_of_package> switch to get a detailed information about a package c
    dnf install <name_of_package>   Install a Package, it will automatically resolve and install all required dependencies for package
    dnf update <name_of_package> You may update only a specific package and leave everything on the system untouched.
    dnf check-update Check updates for all the system packages installed into the system
    dnf update You may update the whole system including all the installed packages with following commands.
    dnf upgrade Update and Upgrade the System.
    dnf remove <name_of_package>     To remove or erase any unwanted package, you may use “remove” or “erase” switch with dnf command to remove it.
    dnf erase <name_of_package>
    dnf autoremove Those packages that were installed to satisfy dependency may be useless if not being used by other applications. (remove orphan packages)
    dnf clean all A lot of time we encounter out-of-date headers and unfinished transactions which results into error while executing dnf.
    (clean all the cached packages and headers containing remote package information )
    dnf help To list help on all available dnf commands and options.
    dnf help clean Get help of any specific dnf command (ie clean) just by executing the below command.
    dnf history Look at the list of already executed dnf commands.
    dnf grouplist Will print all available or installed packages, if nothing is mentioned, it will list all known groups.
    dnf groupinstall 'Educational Software' Install a Group of packages bundled together as group package (ie Educational Software)
    dnf groupupdate 'Educational Software' Update a Group Package (ie Educational Software)
    dnf groupremove 'Educational Software' Remove a Group Package (ie Educational Software)
    dnf --enablerepo=epel install phpmyadmin DNF makes it possible to install any specific package (ie phpmyadmin) from a repo (epel)
    dnf distro-sync Provides necessary options to synchronize all installed packages to most recent stable version available from any enabled repository. 
    If no package is selected, all installed packages are synchronized.
    dnf reinstall  <name_of_package> Reinstall an already installed package.
    dnf downgrade  <name_of_package> Downgrades the named package to lower version if possible.