*   Health Stuff  
  12/15/22   17-day  
  A1C Page
  Rx-M 39 water eight 8-oz glasses/day
  Rx-R 40 Green Tea 3-4 cups/day
  Rx-C 42 alcohol 5 oz red wine
  Log-M 58 whey protein Just about the perferct protein for the body. In a can, 100% whey protein powder, in vanilla.
  Log-R 60 Matcha green tea powder A powdered green tea made by pulverizing tea leaves. Unique to Japan. An ideal drink for those watching their sugar levels, and diabetis.
  TR-M It cleans and deodorizes the mouth.  End your meals with a cup of matcha green tea.   Purchase at most health food stores and Asian markets.
  TR-R 61 Probiotic Foods   ie Yogurt
  17-day 63 Fiber For the Transistional Day Fast >  a powdered fiber supplement >  Metamucil Clear & Natural Perferct for smoothies,  serving size > 1 heaping teaspoon (5 grams of fiber)
    Can purchase at pharmacies or health food stores. Benefiber 100% natural fiber, dissolves completely, serving size > 2 heaping teaspoons (3 grams of fiber)
    Garden of Life Raw Fiber A blend of various natural fibers derived from seeds and vegetables, serving size > 1 scoop (9 grams of fiber)
    64 Low-Sugar Ingredients almond milk and berries.
    69 Hunger / Fullness Meter 1 I'm a little hungry (eat now)
    2 I'm so hungry I could eat the lining of an empty Spam can. (Don't let yourself get here.)
    3 I'm starting to feel full. ( I will stop now.)(No longer hungry but not quite full.)
    4 I'm so stuffed I'll have to waddle over to the couch to collapse. (Avoid) (Don't feel obligated to clean your plate.)
    Your goal is to listen to your body and let go of external cues, such as the clock, to tell you when, and how much, to eat.
    70 Accelerate Cycle Guidelines
    Follow for 17 days.  If you reach your weight loss goal, move on to Cycle 4: Arrive.
    Your diet will consist of lean proteins, vegetables, low-sugar fruits, probiotic foods like yogurt, and good fats.
    Starchy foods like potatoes, legumes, brown rice, corn, and oatmeal are not permitted on this cycle.
    Remove skin from chicken or turkey prior to cooking.
    Eggs:  you may eat up to two eggs a day, but no more than 4 yolks per week.  Egg whites can be eaten without restriction.
    Enjoy fresh vegetables and fruits as much as possible.
    Do not eat any fruit after two in the afternoon. Fruit is a carb. The timing of carbohydrate intake is very important.
    This approach also improves your waistline.
    Avoid alcohol and sugar in order to help your body eliminate toxins, improve digestion, and burn fat.
    Adopt the habit of drinking green tea.  It contains caffeine, but offers compounds that help burn fat.
    About probiotic foods: They boost the immune system and promote gut-cleansing bacteria, and help to burn fat.
    Eat slowly and only until full; do not overload your stomach.
    Drink eight 8-oz glasses of pure water per day.
    Exercise at least 17 minutes per day.
    73 The Accelerate Cycle Food List
    Fish Poultry Vegetables Cleansing Vegetables
    Salmon, canned or fresh Chicken breasts Artichoke Cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli, brussel sprouts Gives important phytochemicals (disease-fighting substances in plants)
    Sole Turkey breasts Arichoke Hearts Help the liver detoxify various types of polluntants from the food supply, drugs, and the environment.
    Flounder Gound turkey, lean Asparagus Asparagus, spinach, and okra Super sources of glutathiome, a healing nutriunt that removes fat-soluble toxins from cells and helps fortify your immune system.
    Catfish Eggs (2 eggs = 1 serving) Bell peppers; green, orange, red, yellow (cooked chicken is also hight in glutathiome, )
    Tilapia Broccoli Spinach, broccoli, tomatoes, and brussel sprouts Loaded with a powerful antioxidant called alpha-lipoic acid.  It fights free radicals, and keeps your bloog sugar in balance.
    Canned light tuna (in water) Brussels sprouts People with diabetes should choose these veggies often.
    Cabbage Onions Packed with natural chemicals that protect against disease.
    Carrots Greens Have diuretic properties (which help you lose water weight), and their ability to stabilize blood sugar prevents binge eating.
    Cauliflower Artichokes Have a range of health-promoting benefits.  Superfood brimming with antioxidents, and two of the most potent are cynarin and silymarin.
    Low-sugar Fruit -- 2 servings daily Celery Those two phytochemicals are thought to lower cholesterol, protect your liver from toxins, boost blood circulation,
    Apples Cucumbers and aid digestion.  The leaves and yummy heart of the artichoke contain both of thse phytochemicals.
    Berries, all types Are good soouces of fiber that provide Eggplant
    Grapefruit bulk and digest slowly, helping you feel Garlic
    Oranges full.  They're also full of water, high in Green Beans
    Peaches fiber, and superlow in calories, which Green, leafy vegetables (including beet greens, turnip greens, collard greens)
    Pears makes them ideal for weight loss. Kale
    Plums Leeks
    Prickly pear cactus Lettuce, all varieties
    Prunes Mushrooms
    Red grapes Okra
    Probiotic Foods -- 2 servings daily Scallions
    Yogurt, any type, including Greek-style, sugar-free fruit flavored; Spinach
    plain; and low-fat (6 oz. container = 1 serving) Tomatoes
    Kefir:  similar to a drinking-style yogurt; great for making Watercress
    smoothies (1 cup = 1 serving)
    Low-fat acidophilus milk (1 cup = 1 serving)
    Yakult (small 50-calorie bottle)
    Breakstone LiveActive cottage cheese  (1/2 cup = 1 serving)
    Reduced salt miso dissolved in low-fat, low-sodium broth (1 tablespoon = 1 serving)
    Tempeh, a fermented cake of pressed soybeans (4 oz. = 1 serving)
    Sauerkraut (1/2 cup = 1 serving)
    Kimchi (Korean fermented cabbage) (1/2 cup = 1 serving).  
    Find it in Asian supermarkets or natural food stores, and
    enjoy a small amount as a side dish with meals.
    Friendly Fats -- 1 to 2 Tablespoons Daily These fats have some great benefits. Condiments Condiments and seasonings are allowed in moderation:  salsa; low-carb marinara sauce; lite soy sauce; low-carb ketchup;
    fish oil (from supplements) They can help reduce the risk of heart fat-free sour cream; low-fat, low-sodium broth; Truvia or Nectresse (non-caloric sweeteners made from natural ingredients);
    Olive oil disease, stroke, certain cancers, and  sugar-free jams and jellies; vegetable cooking spray; fat-free cheeses; fat-free salad dressing; salt; pepper; vinegar;
    Flaxseed oil diabetes; they promote joint health; and mustard; herbs; and spices.
    they help you to lose weight.
    Contour Foods on Cycle 1    
    The Foods How they work                                            
    Fish Fish contains omega-3 fatty acids, which help shrink fat cells and assist in burning fat around abdominal areas.          
    Pears + apples Both fruits are high in fiber, which helps wisk excess estrogen from the body.  Estrogen helps lay down fat on a woman's lower body, namely her thighs and hips.  
    Olive oil This friendly fat helps prevent fat from building up on the waistline.                                  
    Yogurt Yogurt and the calcium it contains are known to prevent fat from congregating around your tummy.                            
    79 Meal Planning Made Easy Typical Day
    Breakfast Lunch Dinner
    As much as you want of specfic proteins and cleansing vegetables. 2 eggs, or 4 egg whites, prepared Liberal amounts of protein in the Liberal amounts of protein in the form of fish or chicken.
    without oil, or      formof fish, poultry, or eggs Unlimited amounts of cleansing vegetables
    Supplement those foods with: 2 low-sugar fruits daily 1 serving probiotic      plus unlimited amounts of 1 cup green tea
    2 servings of probiotic foods food such as yogurt.      cleansing vegetables, or
    1 to 2 tablespoons of friendly fat. 1 fruit serving 1 probiotic serving plus unlimited 
    1 cup green tea     amounts of cleansing vegetables.
    81 Wake-up Drink 1 cup green tea
    Every morning as soon as you rise, drink one 8-oz cup of hot water.
    Squeeze a whole lemon into the cup; the lemon stimulates your Snacks Additional
    digestive system.  Your goal is to drink at least 7 more glasses 2nd fruit serving 1 serving (1-2 tablespoons of friendly fat to use in salads,
    of water by the end of the day.  The speed at which you burn  2nd proiotic serving vegetables, or for cooking)
    calories slows down if you're dehydrated.  And if you're dehydrated,
    your body can't take up nutrients like it needs to.
    Grocery List
    Breakstone's Live Active Low Fat Cottage Cheese - 4oz/4ct Target > $2.99
    Balsamic vinegar