*   Debian        
  6/29/22   Install_Debian        
  Home   Info
  Install / Debian   cat /proc/version      
  Pkg Mgt   systemctl -a  
  MX   systemctl  list-unit-files      
      Debian 10 Buster : Install Server-World
      How to Install a Debian 10 (Buster) Minimal Server
      Initial Settings
      1 SSH # ip a get IP address and set into PUTTY
      /etc/ssh/sshd_config port  8267  
      systemctl restart sshd    
          Setup passwordless login in Putty
      Setup passwordless SSH              
        1 $ ssh-keygen -t rsa Create the RSA Key Pair  
          2 $ Enter file in which to save the key (/home/mdh/.ssh/id_rsa): <enter>  (accept default location) Store the Keys and Passphrase  
        $ Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): <enter>  (don't add a passphrase)  
          3 $ ssh-copy-id  -p 8269 mdh@  (copy the public key to the remote host) Copy the Public Key  
        ssh -p 8269 [email protected]         
      2 apt apt prompts for CDs when installing packages, how do I make it stop?
      /etc/apt/sources.list Comment out the "CDROM line"
      3 Networking Net-Tools and Static IP
      ip a get your ip address
      apt install net-tools install network tools (needs DVD #1)
      Static IP
      vi /etc/network/interfaces # This file describes the network interfaces available on your system
      # and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).
      source /etc/network/interfaces.d/*  
      # The loopback network interface  
      auto lo  
      iface lo inet loopback  
      # The primary network interface  
      auto enp0s31f6 <----- this line is needed.
      iface enp0s31f6 inet static  
      # This is an autoconfigured IPv6 interface  
      iface ens33 inet6 auto        
      systemctl restart networking Restart your network.
      vi /etc/hosts         localhost.localdomain      localhost     T30  
      vi /etc/hostname set hostname if needed.
      systemctl reboot reboot the server to apply the hostname change
      hostname T30
      hostname -f
      4 Update / Upgrade
      First, make sure that your /etc/apt/sources.list contains the buster/updates repository (this makes sure you always get the newest updates),
      and that the contrib and non-free repositories are enabled.
      deb buster main contrib non-free
      deb-src buster main contrib non-free
      deb buster/updates main contrib non-free
      deb-src buster/updates main contrib non-free
      apt update to update the apt package database  apt upgrade to install the latest updates (if there are any).
      apt-get update --allow-insecure-repositories apt-get upgrade --allow-unauthenticated
      apt-get update --allow-unauthenticated
      apt list --upgradable
      apt update apt upgrade
      Other installs could go here (and removals)
      apt install samba apt remove nano
      apt install msmtp Find and insert after the existing below
      apt install msmtp-mta <Directory /var/www/>
      apt install bsd-mailx         Options Indexes FollowSymLinks   Alias /etc/ "/etc/"         Alias /r/ "/"     Alias /homes/ "/home/"
      apt install inxi         AllowOverride None   <Directory /etc/> <Directory />  
      apt install ntfs-3g         Require all granted           Options Indexes FollowSymLinks         Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
      </Directory>           AllowOverride None         AllowOverride None  
                Require all granted         Require all granted  
      5 Apache /etc/apache2/apache2.conf /etc/apache2/ports.conf   Alias's             </Directory> </Directory>  
      Listen 8069    
      /etc/apache2/apache2.conf   Alias /logs/ "/var/log/" Alias /flash/ "/mnt/flash"  
      systemctl start apache2   <Directory /var/log/> <Directory /mnt/flash/>  
      systemctl status apache2           Options Indexes FollowSymLinks         Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
      systemctl enable apache2           AllowOverride None         AllowOverride None  
                Require all granted         Require all granted  
        </Directory>           </Directory>    
      6 SAMBA apt install samba smbpasswd  -a  mdh ( new samba user ) Note: to add a new samba user, you must have that same user in linux.                          
      New SMB password:  mdh ie add samba functionality to the linux user mdh #======================= Global Settings =====================================
      Retype new SMB password:   mdh  
      /etc/samba/ cp smb.conf  smb.conf-org         workgroup = hvezda  
        vi  smb.conf         >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>         server string = Samba Server Version %v  
                netbios name = T30  
      systemctl restart smbd.service smbd.service # --------------------------- Logging Options -----------------------------  
      systemctl restart nmbd.service nmbd.service                       # log files split per-machine:  
                log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m  
                # maximum size of 50KB per log file, then rotate:  
      7 File Ownership / Permissions     new orig               max log size = 50  
      Cur: Fed 27 /var/log/ apache2 755 700 cron job needed    
        auth.log 755 700     # ----------------------- Standalone Server Options ------------------------  
        samba 755 750             security = user  
        fail2ban.log 644 600 cron job needed           passdb backend = tdbsam  
        messages 644 600      
        daemon.log 644 600      
        debug 644 600     #============================ Share Definitions ==============================  
        kern.log 644 600      
        syslog 644 600     [homes]  
                    comment = Home Directories  
      chmod 644 /var/log/apache2/* the entire apache2 directory           path = /home  
                    browseable = yes  
      ** /var/www/ html chown -R  mdh:mdh  /var/www/html           writable = yes  
        html chmod -R 755  /var/www/html      
                comment = web site 67  
      8 Email 1 apt install msmtp Install msmtp             path = /var/www/html  
      capability to send email 2 apt install msmtp-mta Install msmtp-mta             browseable = yes  
      (see Notes > Unix_Mail.xlsm) 3 apt install bsd-mailx Install bsd-mailx             guest ok = yes  
                    writable = yes  
      3 setup onfig files >>> ~/.msmtprc   ~/.mailrc      
        # Set default values for all following accounts. set sendmail="/usr/bin/msmtp"   [flash]  
        defaults             comment = flash drive  
        port 587             path = /mnt/flash  
        tls on             browseable = yes  
        tls_trust_file /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt             guest ok = yes  
                    writable = yes  
        account gmail      
        host     [apache-logs]  
        from [email protected]             comment = Apache Logs  
        auth on             path = /var/log/apache2  
        user mdhvezda2             browseable = yes  
        password googlede@00Vere             guest ok = yes  
                    writable = yes  
        # Set a default account                            
        account default : gmail  
      4 test >>>>>> echo `date` | mail -v -s "msmtp test"   [email protected]  
      9 copy webs & scripts (from)  www ------->  (to) www   note:  be sure you have changed ownership of  /var/www/  before executing this step.                  
      also see GoogleDrive \BAT\Misc\ --> scp  -rp  -P 8269   [email protected]:/var/www/html/    /var/www/ from (69) --->  to (xx) ("on xx") "pull" successful, added new key   (could pull from remote host)  
      "Debian to Windows" --> scp  -rp  -P 8269   [email protected]:/home/scripts/    /home/ *** from (69) --->  to (xx) ("on xx") "pull"  
      using Putty's   pscp    
      to xfer from Debian to Win pc. scp  -rp  -P 8268  [email protected]:/var/www/html/    /var/www/ from (68) --->  to (xx) ("on xx") "pull" successful, added new key   (could pull from remote host)  
      scp  -rp  -P 8268  [email protected]:/home/scripts/    /home/ from (68) --->  to (xx) ("on xx") "pull"  
      scp  -rp  -P 8267  [email protected]:/var/www/html/    /var/www/ from (67) --->  to (xx) ("on xx") "pull" successful, added new key   (could pull from remote host)  
      scp  -rp  -P 8267  [email protected]:/home/scripts/    /home/ from (67) --->  to (xx) ("on xx") "pull"  
      scp  -rp  -P 8267    /var/www/html/*    [email protected]:/var/www/html/ from (xx)  ("on xx")  --->  to (67)   "push" failed due to "strict checking"   (could not push to a remote host)  
        (successful, after I deleted the contents of .68's known_hosts)
      scp  -rp  -P 8268    /var/www/html/*    [email protected]:/var/www/html/ from (xx)  ("on xx") --->  to (68)   "push" failed due to "strict checking"   (could not push to a remote host)  
      scp        -P 8268     testfile               [email protected]:/home/mdh/ (successful)  
      notes:  -P (the port to connect to, on the remote Host)  
      *** after copying scripts over,  file ownership needs updating  (from root to mdh) ----> chown -R  mdh:mdh  /home/scripts                
      10 Misc stuff   (from) prev  -----> (to) cur                  
      Cron Jobs   crontab  -e      ---->     crontab  -e copy and paste cron jobs to new server  
      Drive Mappings:  Win pc's   Drive Mappings:  apache-logs (L:) ,  www (w:) ,  and  homes(h:) on Win pc's  
    11 Freezer # dpkg -l                    
    ( see Programming_Python.xlsm ) # apt-get install python3-pip  
    ( the PySerial tab ) # python3 -m pip install pyserial pyserial in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (3.4)  
    for finding the "COM" port    
    in linux. # python3  /home/scripts/python/  
      12 set the CRONTAB editor $ update-alternatives --list editor List of available editors
      # update-alternatives --set editor /usr/bin/vim.tiny Set the default editor
      apt remove nano
      13 Fail2ban     apt install fail2ban
      systemctl enable fail2ban.service to make it auto start
      fail2ban-client status
      fail2ban-client status JAILname ie fail2ban-client status unifi
      ie fail2ban-client status sshd
      14 Other
      apt install inxi an amazing tool to check hardware information on Linux Binary Tides
      apt install ntfs-3g make NTFS drives available
    X mount                                  
    ls -l  /dev/disk/by-uuid /etc/fstab  (make a bak copy of this file, then edit the new file)    
      by-id put on the bottom of the file    
      by-path UUID=8b745b70-7522-4b69-b94e-c143a9b6d9d2    /mnt/FreeAgent    ext4    defaults     0   2    
      and then reboot    
      Mounting a Flash drive      
    ls -l  /dev/disk/by-label by-id Automount    umount   /dev/sde1    
      by-path /run/media/mdh/FreeAgent mkdir /mnt/TFLASH     
      by-uuid mount -t ntfs-3g,uid=mdh,gid=mdh   /dev/sde1   /mnt/TFLASH  
      FreeAgent -->  ../../sdd1 Mounting an ext4 drive Mounting a NTFS drive    
      TFLASH -->   ../../sde1 umount /dev/sdb1 umount  /dev/sdd1    
      mount   /dev/sdb1  /mnt/FreeAgent mkdir /mnt/FreeAgent    
      mount -t ntfs-3g  /dev/sdd1  /mnt/FreeAgent    
    X Firewall  
      Note: Fedora 18 introduced firewalld as a replacement for the previous iptables service    
      Although firewalld is a replacement for the firewall management provided by iptables service,    
         it still uses the iptables command for dynamic communication with the kernel packet filter (netfilter).    
      So it is only the iptables service that is replaced, not the iptables command.    
      Cur: Fed 27 systemctl status firewalld 1  
      systemctl start firewalld.service Start the firewall 2  
      systemctl enable firewalld.service Enable firewall startup on boot-up 3  
      firewall-cmd --get-default-zone ip.67 ip.68 ip.69 4  
      firewall-cmd --get-active-zone vnc 5900 5900 5900 5  
      firewall-cmd --permanent  --add-port=5900/tcp ftp 21150 default -----> 6  
      firewall-cmd --permanent   --add-port=8067/tcp http 8067 8068 8069 7  
      firewall-cmd --permanent  --add-service=samba ssh 8267 8268 8269 8  
      firewall-cmd --reload copy permanent config to running config 9  
      firewall-cmd --permanent --list-all verify 10  
      systemctl status firewalld verify 11